
Original opskrift Coca Cola

Her er den rigtige opskrift på en ældre version af den morderne Coca Cola.

Opskriften er fundet af et amerikansk radioprogram 'This American Life' i en artikel fra 1979. Det er naturligvis ikke den helt oprindelige som indeholdte kokain - faktisk helt op til 1903 (Coca Cola er opfundet tilbage i 1886) - I 1992 blev en notesbog af en af Coca Colas grundlæggere udgivet. Også denne indeholdte en opskrift på Coca Cola.

»Det var en fantastisk opdagelse. Jeg var forundret over, at det var muligt, at denne superhemmelige opskrift gemte sig i det åbne, i et gammelt avisudklip. Da jeg erfarede, at opskriften i Coca-Colas egne arkiver matchede opskriften, blev jeg meget begejstret«, siger værten i This American Life Ira Glass i en pressemeddelelse.


Everett Beal's Recipe Book
In Feb 28, 1979 Article
Atlanta Journal and Constitution Newspaper
Pemberton's Notebook
Published in the 1992
History: For God, Country & Coca-Cola
FE Coca
(Fluid Extract of Coca)
3 drams USP4 oz FE Coco
Citric Acid3 oz3 oz
Caffeine1 oz1oz Citrate Caffein
Sugar30 #30 #
Water2.5 gal2.5 gal
Lime Juice2 pints (1 qrt)1 qrt
Vanilla1 oz1 oz
Caramel1.5 oz or more to colorColor sufficient

Use 2 oz flavor (below) to 5 gals syrup2.5 oz flavor

7X Flavor

Alcohol8 oz1 qrt
Orange Oil20 drops80
Lemon Oil30120
Nutmeg Oil1040
Corriander Oil520
Neroli Oil1040
Cinnamon Oil1040

(The Pemberton formula for 7X is the same as the Beal, just four times as much.)

How to Make This Recipe

As we said in the radio story, this recipe includes two parts. The recipe for the syrup, and the recipe for the 7X flavoring formula. You can scale down the recipe for the syrup if you don't want to make gallons of the syrup. You will need one ounce of syrup mixed with 5 ounces of carbonated water to make a serving of soda.
When you buy your ingredients be careful that you buy FOOD GRADE. There are lots of things you can find on the Internet that can be used in this recipe that are not food grade and will make you sick.
And before you start, you may want to read these helpful tips sent in by a listener in Chicago.
1) Make the 7X flavor. To make this, you'll want food grade essential oils at 100 percent strength. They can be found by searching for food grade essential oils in the grocery section of and other places (this orange oil, for instance).
For a home recipe, you can get an eyedropper and count drops the old-fashioned way, but if you want to be more precise, Steve Warth at Sovereign Flavors says he estimated each drop was .025 grams, which means you want 0.5 grams of Orange Oil, 0.75 of Lemon Oil, 0.25 grams of Nutmeg Oil, 0.125 grams of Coriander Oil, 0.25 grams of Neroli Oil, 0.25 grams of Cinnamon Oil (historian Mark Pendergrast says the original Coke recipe was made with a kind of cinnamon called Cassia).
Combine those with 8 ounces of food grade alcohol. This ingredient, we'll be frank, will be kind of a pain in the ass to find. Important: Do NOT use Ethyl Rubbing Alcohol or Rubbing Alcohol or Denatured Ethyl Alcohol. These will make you sick. You need food grade ethyl alcohol. Sometimes people swap Everclear or other neutral grain spirits for this, and our beverage guys suggest this as an easy, cheap substitute.
2) Make your fluid extract of coca. Buy whole leaf coca tea. Instructions for making coca extract from this can be found online. You don't need much. The recipe calls for 3 fluid drams, which is equivalent to 1/8 of a fluid ounce or – an easier measurement for a home kitchen – 3/4 of a tablespoon.
3) Make the syrup. Once you have your 7X flavor, and your fluid extract of coca, you are ready to mix them with your other ingredients to make the syrup. Mix your ingredients in this order: water, sugar, then coloring, then coca extract, then vanilla extract, then caffeine, then lime juice and citric acid.
Several Notes:
-- If you do not want to make several gallons of the syrup, you can adjust the recipe by reducing all ingredients by the same rate -- one half the original amount, one quarter, and so on.
-- Another important thing about this step, as we said in the radio story about the recipe, the Sovereign Flavors chemists concluded that in order to compensate for the intensity of contemporary essential oils (125 years of advances in food technology means it's possible that they're much stronger than the oils Pemberton used in his lab in 1886) the 7X flavoring addition should be reduced by 75 percent. That means, if you make the full size batch, you should only use 1/2 ounce of 7X formula instead of the 2 ounces specified in the original recipe.
-- You might want to cut down on the caffeine. We all got a strong buzz from the soda we made with the recipe, and then one of the beverage professionals pointed out that it was because it had five times the amount of caffeine of a modern soda.
-- Some ingredients are measured in fluid ounces, others are measured in ounces by weight. The team at Sovereign Flavors says if an ingredient is liquid -- coca extract or vanilla extract -- it should be measured in fluid ounces. If it's a dry ingredient, like citric acid, it should be measured by weight.
4) Make the soda. Once you have mixed the syrup, it should be combined with carbonated water at a ratio of 1-to-5 (one part syrup to five parts bubbly water) to make the soda.
Legal language we have to include here: If you're making this soda, it's entirely at your own risk. 



Opskriften(omsat til danske mål)
Coca Ekstrakt: 11ml
Citron syre: 90ml
Koffein: 30ml
Sukker: 30(udefinerbar mængde)
Vand: 9,5liter
Vanille: 30ml
Karamel: 45ml
Lime: 0,9L
7X-opskrift (30ml til 19liter sirup)
Alkohol: 320ml
Citron-olie: 30dråber
Muskatnød-olie: 10dråber
Koriand-olie: 5dråber
Kanel-olie: 10dråber

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